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Update multiple tables

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To update two joined tables, use the following code in the Add page: Before record added and/or Edit page: Before record updated events.




string sql = "update othertable set joinedfield=" + values["joinedfield"].ToString() + " ... ";
CommonFunctions.db_exec(sql, null);


To update master and details tables, use the following code for the details table in the Add page: Before record added and/or Edit page: Before record updated events:


dynamic fieldValues = XVar.Array();
dynamic keyValues = XVar.Array();
fieldValues["Field1"] = values["Field1"];
keyValues["OrderID"] = values["OrderID"];
DB.Update("DetailTable", fieldValues, keyValues);
return true;


"Field1" is a field in the details table and "OrderID" is the linked field in the master table.

See also:

Database API

Database API: DB::Exec

Master-details relationship between tables

Update multiple records on the List page